Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.J TON. HERBERT CHARLES N.W.T.(3jH WILSON, M.D., PracticingvS> Physician and Surgeon, Edmonton,Alberta, was born Decemberyth, 1859, at Picton, Ont. His parentswere C. S. and Eliza M. (Biggar) Wilson,who are of Irish descent. Hismother, now deceased, was a sister ofthe late James L. Biggar, M.P., forEast Northumberland, Ont. His fatheris still living (1893), and is a leadingbanker and broker in Picton. Dr. Wilsonwas educated in the Picton publicand High schools and Upper CanadaCollege. He subsequently attended theOntario College of Pharmacy, and graduatedfrom that institution,Februry yth, 1878. Heentered Trinity MedicalSchool, in October, 1878,and graduated M.D., in theSpring of 1 88 1. He wasthen assistant surgeon inthe Toronto hospitals forone year, and removed toEdmonton, in i882,wherehehas remained since, doing alarge professional practice,and taking an active part inall public matters. He waselected to the old North-West Council, in September,1885, and again in June,1888, when it was constituteda Legislative Assembly,and in the Fall of that yearwas elected speaker of theNorth-West Legislative Assembly.In 1891, he retired,and subsequently spentsome time in Europe for thebenefit of his health. He isCoroner for the N.W.T. andexaminer for a number ofinsurance <strong>com</strong>panies. Hewas elected to the firstCouncil of the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons ofIn religion, Dr. Wilson is aMethodist, and in politics, a Conservative,and president of the EdmontonHeLiberal-Conservative Association.also takes an active interest in allsporting matters, and has been presidentof the Edmonton Cricket Clubsince 1883, an(^ * s ex-president of theCurling Club. He is now patron ofboth the Edmonton and Fort SaskatchewanRifle Associations, and isuniversally popular. Dr. Wilson wasmarried, Sept. i5th, 1886, to Miss EmilyC., eldest daughter of Arthur B. Lee, ofRice, Lewis & Sons, Toronto, Ont., bywhom he has one son and one daughter.

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