Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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8o(\TEORGE A.^-^GAUVIN,grapher, Halifax, N.S., wasborn August 8th, 1863, at Burlington,Vt., U.S.A. His father is Leon Gauvin,while his mother's name was RoseGilbert. The former is at present engagedin farming near Burlington, Vt.This is an old and highly respectedfamily of the Ne\v England States.Mr. Gauvin was educated at the GreenMountain Academy, Underbill, Vt.He began lifeby teaching school, whichoccupation he followed for twoyears,after which he entered into the businessof photography with his brother, atBurlington. After a time he went toBoston, Mass., where he thoroughlypursued the study of photography. Hethen came to Halifax, and engaged withKellie & Co., and after remaining withthis firm for one year, he purchasedtheir business, and now carries it onin partnership with Mr. Adolphe E.Gentzel. In religion, Mr. Gauvin is aRoman Catholic. He was married,October 4th, .1892, to Miss Maggie C.Gough, whose father is a builder andcontractor, of the city of Halifax. Mr.Gauvin isdoing a large business inHalifax, and his studio is patronizedby a large number of the best people ofthat city.

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