Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.79,EV. JOHN SALTER ALLEN,Methodist Minister, Richibucto,_ Kent County, N.B., wasborn at Newport, N.S., April 8th, 1842.He is the son of James and Mary(Salter)Allen, natives of Nova Scotia,the former being of U.E. Loyalist stock.Mr. Allen received his education at the<strong>com</strong>mon schools of Newport, andMount Allison University. He spenthis probation in Newfoundland, andon the Labrador Coast. After ordination,he was stationed successively atGagetown, Greenwich, Andover andCanterbury, N.B., and then at Pownal,P.E.I. Returning to New Brunswick,he was sent to Baie Verte, and fromthere to Gibson, and then to Summerside,P.E.I. Since that time he has beenstationed as follows :in New Brunswick,Albert, Sackville, Bathurst, and fromthe latter he came to his present charge.He was married, July i8th, 1866, toCharlotte Mathilda, daughter of ElijahTuttle, of Pugwash, N.S. His familyconsists of seven children living ;hiseldest son, Aldran, has been in Chili asa missionary for four years, and latelyreturned in ill health. Mr. Allen is asuccessful minister of the Gospel. Hehas also written a book of poems entitled" Apollyonville to the Holy City."

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