Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OB*>EV. JOHN LATHERN, D.D.,editor of The Wesleyan, Halifax,N.S., was born at NewshieldHouse, near Alston, Cumberland, England,July 3ist, 1831. He is descendedfrom an old Northumbrian family. Hereceived his education at the AlstonGrammar School, and was trained formining engineering, his father havingheld the position of manager and partproprietor of the Blaghill Lead Ore Mine,but realizing his call to the ministry,he joined the British Wesleyan Conferencein 1855. He was soon sent tothe newly organized Conference of EasternBritish America, and was ordainedin 1859. The same year hemarried Mary Elizabeth, eldestdaughter of the late JohnSimpson, Esq., formerly ofAberdeen, Scotland, but forthirty years Queen's Printerin New Brunswick, andJudge of Probate. Mr.Lathern's first circuit wasFredericton, N.B., where hewas stationed a second timein 1865, be<strong>com</strong>ing duringthat term chairman of theFredericton district.He \vasvery successful during thetwo terms of his pastorateat Fredericton, and both aspastor and chairman of thedistrict, he did abiding work.He was president of theNova Scotia Conference, in1882, and received the degreeof D.D. from MountAllison University, in 1883.He was elected editor ofthe connexional paper, TheWesleyan, at the GeneralConference of 1886. Dr.Lathern is a vigorous writer,and an able preacher, andthe same success that attendedhim in the pastorateand as the presiding officer of the districtand Conference, has been repeated in theeditorial chair. His editorials are brightand readable, and the general make upof the paperis admirable. He is at presentchairman of the Mount AllisonBoard of Regents. Amongst bookspublished by him may be mentioned avolume of lectures on literary subjects ;"Life of Governor Wilmot," " Baptisnia,"and the" Macedonian Cry."Nineteen years of ministerial life havebeen spent in the cities of St. John,N.B. and Halifax, N.S., and whereverhe has been stationed he has left alasting impression.

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