Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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77RS. MARTINEAU,wholesale and to his energy and ability, <strong>com</strong>binedretail hardware merchant, 1379 with an intimate knowledge of histo 1385 St. Catherine street,Montreal, Qne., was trade, succeeded inborn building up aat St. Jerome, and largegrowing connection. He carries aCounty of Terrebonne, P.Q., August very large stock of all kinds of hardware,oils, wall paper, glass, etc., and29th, 1844. He is the son of JosephMartineau, a farmer, and Marie Anne gives employment to a large staff ofDavid, and removed to Montreal with skilled artists. In 1878 he was electedhis parents, in 1852. He received his president of the Painters' Association,education at the Christian Brothers' grand marshall of the St. Jean-BaptisteSchool. In 1856, he was apprenticed Society, for the Parish of Ste. Brigide,to the trade of house painting, which in 1880, and president in 1883. Inhe followed, together with that of contractor,until 1872. In 1870, Mr. Mar-member of many religious and charit-religion, he is a Roman Catholic, and atineau began business on his own able institutions. In 1886, he wasaccount, and has, since that date, owing elected alderman for St. Mary's Ward,and in 1889, was re-electedby acclamation, having occupiedthe important positionsof Acting Mayor, andmember of the Finance,Water and City Hall <strong>com</strong>mittees.Resigning his aldermanicposition, in 1892,he was asked to consent tobe put in nomination, bythe Conservative party, andwas elected a member ofParliament for the Provinceof Quebec, at the generalelection, on the 8th ofMarch, 1892, for MontrealDivision, No. i. He is avery active and influentialmember of the party, andloyally devoted to his constituents.June 8th, 1863,Mr. Martineau was marriedto Miss Emerentienne Bouthillier.He has five children,three sons and onedaughter. The former havesecured their classical education;two of them are inbusiness with their father,and one practices law, andall are in a good way tosecure a brilliant future.

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