Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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73yrSTEWART THOMPSON,-t-\ M.B., Toronto University,V5> L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S., Edinburgh,Strathroy, Ont., was born inMiddlesex County, Ont., July i4th,1862. His father is Dr. A. Thompson,of Strathroy, a native of Argyleshire,Scotland (who made teaching a steppingtone to medicine), and his motherisJane (Stewart) Thompson,daughter of the late Alex. Stewart ofwas edu-Lobo. Dr. A. S. Thompson cated primarily at the public and Highschools of Strathroy. He then attendedUpper Canada College, from which,at seventeen, he matriculated into TorontoUniversity, where hetook the Science course, concurrentlywith Medical lectures,at Trinity MedicalCollege. In 1882, being tooyoung to graduate, he wentto Edinburgh, where hetook a final course of lectures,and was two years inconstant attendance at theRoyal Infirmary, where heheld clerkships, in both themedical and surgical wards.In 1884, Dr. Thompson graduated,taking the " doublequalifications," as above indicated.He then returnedto Canada, and having graduatedwith honors at TorontoUniversity, succeededto his uncle's practice, inDetroit, Mich. In 1886, impairedhealth, from closecity practice, decided him tolocate in Strathroy, wherehe has rapidly built up andretained a large and highlysatisfactory practice. Dr.Thompson is surgeon of theMiddlesex House of Refuge,also medical examiner forthe leading insurance <strong>com</strong>paniesdoing business in his vicinity.He is a member of the Ontario MedicalAssociation, and honorary member ofDetroit Academy of Medicine. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, and in politics,a Liberal. He belongs to theS.O.S., C.O.F., K.O.T.M. and theI.O.O.F. He is physician to each order,and has filled the highest offices, inboth camp and subordinate lodge of thelast named society. He gives practicalsupport and encouragement to all healthfulathletics.He was married, Sept. Qth,1891, to Mary Louise, daughter of P. J.Brown, Esq., barrister, Osgoode Hall,Toronto. He has one son.

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