Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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66 MENstudied medicine in LavalUniversity, from which hegraduated in 1870, havingentered that institution in1866. He then practicedhis profession at Bic, Que.,seven years ; Ottawa, oneyear; Bryson, Que., eightyears; and during the North-West Rebellion, in 1884,he practiced at Battleford,Saskatchewan. In May,1885, he returned to Brysonand remained two years,when he again returned tothe North-West and locatedin Calgary, in 1887, wherehe still continues and wherehis professional services arein great demand. In ad-dition to this, he is alsophysician in charge of theHoly Cross Hospital, Calgary.Dr. Rouleau wasCapt. of the " Fils de Chateauguay" College Companyfor three years, and in1864, he went to the QuebecMilitary School and obtainedhis degrees in first andsecond classes after twoDWARD Yj< HECTOR months there. He was appointedthe Belgium Consul for theROULEAU,M.D., Belgium Consul for the North-West Territory, November 17th,~*V> North-West Territory, Calgary,Alberta, was born October 3ist, natures of "Victoria" and "Salisbury."1888, his <strong>com</strong>mission bearing the sig-1843, at Isle Verte, County of Temiscouata,Que. He is a brother of Hon. and is considered one of the most pro-In politics, he is an ardent Reformer,Mr. Justice Charles Borromee Rouleau, nounced and influential members of thewhose history and portrait appear elsewherein this volume. Dr. Rouleau's Catholic, and second vice-president ofparty. In religion, he is a Romanearly education was obtained at the<strong>com</strong>mon the Calgary C. M. B. A. He takes aschool of his birth place, and great interest in all that pertains to theafterwards continued at the Laval NormalSchool. After receiving his diplo-was married, April 8th, 1883, to Misswelfare of the <strong>com</strong>munity. Dr. Rouleauma from the latter institution, he continuedto study Latin and Greek in Esq., merchant, Bryson, Que., by whomCatherine,daughter of Edward O'Meara,Nicolet College. He subsequently he has two daughters.

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