Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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y BANDERHARVEY,I M.D., Watford, Ont.,^VS> was born June ist,1836, at Newport, N.S. Hisfather Andrew Harvey, P.L.S., superintendent of publicschools, and his motherAbigail Harvey, are referredto elsewhere in this volume.Dr. Harvey began teachingwhen only fifteen years old,and obtained (chiefly byprivate study), a first-classTeachers' Certificate, whentwenty. He taught schooleleven years, after which hegraduated M.D. from theUniversity of Philadelphia,and shortly after from theAlthoughRoyal College of Physiciansand Surgeons, Kingston,Ont. In 1866, he locatedin Watford, where he haspracticed ever since. Inpolitics, Dr. Harvey is astaunch Reformer, and in religion,a Baptist.pressed to accept municipaland parliamentary honors,his extensive practice andpersonal inclinations havealways forbidden, but ineducational matters and temperancelegislation, he takes an active and influentialpart, having been chairman ofthe Watford High School Board, sinceits inception, and was chairman of theBoard of License Commisioners forEast Lainbton, for eight years. He isalso Coroner for the County. The Doctoris a man of broad and liberal religiousviews, as is evinced by the warmesteem in which he is held by all creeds,and by the fact that he often, by request,preaches in the various churchesin his locality. He attributes his positionas a Christian to the influence, inhis earlier years, of his devoted mother,encouraged in later life by his excellentwife. In 1857, ne was married toAnnie, youngest daughter of John Wilson,Esq., of Walsinghani Township,whose prominent family history, amongthe first pioneers of that county is sowidely known. Dr. Harvey has hadeleven children, eight of whom passedinfancy, viz Sarah, afterwards Mrs.:Dr. Stanley, who died in 1879, JohnAndrew, accidently killed when five,Corydon Ford, druggist, Rodney, Ont.,Leila Maud, Fanny Abigail, LeanderRoy and Wilfred W. P., High Schoolstudents, and Basil C. H., a third yearstudent in arts, at Toronto University.

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