Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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62. TUGS. SCOULER, Pastor onto, Ont, graduating in theologyof St. Andrew's Presbyterian Knox fromCollege, inChurch, New the Spring of 1880.Westminster, For about nine years prior to <strong>com</strong>ingB.C., was born July loth, 1843, at to thisAvondale, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Hiscountry, he was engaged inparents were Gavin and missionary work in Glasgow and Hamilton,Scotland, and in thisJanet (Steven)Scouler, both Scotch, the former capacity hebeing was eminently successful. He wasa merchant in Strathavan. After Mr. ordained and inducted into ErskineScouler <strong>com</strong>pleted his course in the Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Ont.,<strong>com</strong>mon school, he attended the AndersonianCollege, Glasgow, for about two small mission. Mr. Scouler's laborsDecember yth, 1880, which was then ayears, and subsequently attended the in Hamilton, however, were rewardedGlasgow University. In December, by a large measure of success, his congregationhaving increased until the1874, he came to Canada and took atheological and literary course in KnoxCollege and Toronto large brick church nowUniversity, Tor- occupied by thecongregation was required, and builtunder his pastorate. Whilehere, he made many fastfriends and his memory isgreatly cherished by themembers of the church. InJanuary, 1887, he enteredupon his present pastorate,this church being the firstorganized church, in connectionwith the CanadianPresbyterian Church inBritish Columbia. Sincethen the beautiful newbuilding now occupied bythe St. Andrew's people,has been erected, and in1890 two offshoots from thischurch were started, viz.: theWest Church, New Westminster,and Knox Churchof Sapperton.Mr. Scouleris moderator of the Synodof British Columbia, and hisinfluence upon the people ofthe Pacific Coast is widelyfelt. He is a member ofthe A.F. & A.M. and of theR. T. of T. He was marriedNov. nth, 1880, to MissLillias Wyse, daughter ofCapt. James Hardie, of Glasgow,Scotland.

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