Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OF" 61HOMAS B.TAYLOR, druggistand photographer, Watford,Ont., was born October 2oth, 1855,in North Crosby, Leeds County, Ont.His father, W. R. Taylor, when ayoung man, graduated in law, butafterwards gave his attention to oilpainting and water colors, in which heattained considerable distinction. Hedied in 1885. His widow, Ellen O.Taylor, who is still living and residesin Watford with her son, is adaughter of the late Judge Taylor, ofHamilton, formerly an officer in theBritish Army. Mr. Taylor startedin business for himself in Watford,when only sixteen years ofage, without money or influence,but possessing theability of a thorough earnestman, he has built up a <strong>com</strong>parativelylarge business,which is a credit alike tohimself and to the town.His first venture was photography,for which he hada natural taste, and at whichhe soon excelled. In 1884,having also a love for chemistry,he opened out in thedrug business. In 1893, hebought out a stock of jewelry,so that now anythingfirst-class in photographs,jewelry, silverware, drugs,as well as books and stationery,can be got at fair prices,in his elegant <strong>com</strong>modiousstores. He is also an issuerof marriage licenses. Inreligion he is a Methodist,and recording steward of hischurch. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M.-, theC.O.F. and L.O.L., and hasfound time to serve his fellowtownsmen in the CouncilChamber, where his businessability and spirit of public enterprise,have been at the service of themunicipality. He is never behind incontributing financially and otherwiseto any deserving cause, and is generallyamong the leaders, in whatever tendsto benefit the <strong>com</strong>munity, and in consequenceis held in the highest esteemby all his acquaintances. On December2oth,1 88 1,he was married to MissEmma L. Rice, daughter of the lateThomas Rice, a prominent exporter ofStratford, Ont. His family consists offour children, namely Fred. :Arthur,Jessie Robina, Franklin Thomas andHerbert George.

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