Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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. MARTINMURPHY, CivilEngineer, Halifax, N.S., secondson of Thomas Murphy, contractor,was born at Ballindaggin, nearEnniscarthy, County Wexford, Ireland,November nth, 1832. He was educatedfor the professionof Civil Engineering,and has been employed, without intermission,as a civil engineer and contractor,from 1852 to the present time.When only nineteen years of age, hejoined the engineering staff of the lateWm. Dargan, and continued in thesame employment for eleven years.During this period his practice extendedover the various public works of thetime, constructed by Mr.Dargan in the four provincesof Ireland. At theage of twenty-four, he wasengineer and manager ofrailway construction, and atthirty, was resident engineerof the lines of railway operatedby the Dublin, Wicklowand Wexford RailwayCompany, in which positionhe continued until he cameto Canada in 1868. During1869 and 1870, he was engineerfor the extension ofnew streets and sewerage inthe city of Halifax, then forthe next two years, he wasemployed by the ProvincialGovernment of Nova Scotia,in making surveys for theextension of railways inNova Scotia. He has beenconsulted by the ColonialGovernment of Newfoundland,by the Provincial Governmentof New Brunswick,and has made anhydrographic survey forthe Colonial Government ofBermuda. He is a Doctorof Science, D. Sc., and amember of the Canadian Society ofCivil Engineers, president of NovaScotia Institute of Science, lecturer inthe class of Pure and Applied Science,Dalhotisie College, and has acted asexaminer of graduates inengineeringfor King's College, Windsor. DoctorMurphy is the author of several paperson engineering subjects, which reflectgreat credit on him, and he in is, everysense of the word, qualified by thorougheducation, long and eventful experience,and natural adaption for the honorableand highly important profession inwhich he has been so long and successfullyengaged.

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