Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK 57GIBSON, M.D., Watford,Ont., was born June 27th, He was a diligent student and passedin 1886, and then located in Watford.i n,Lobo Township, all his examinations with great creditMiddlesex County, Ont. His parents to himself and his professors. Hiswere Thomas and Betty (Thexton) practice is already large, and is stillGibson, natives of England, who came growing veryto Canada, the father, over 60 satisfactorily. He ac<strong>com</strong>paniedthe yth Fusiliers, in 1885, toyears ago,and settled in Lobo, where they and the North-West, as assistant-surgeon,their family, have always been held in and in the Fall of 1886, he took a tripthe highest esteem for their industry to British Columbia and California. Inand upright dealings. Dr. Gibson was religion, the Doctor is an Episcopalian,ambitious when a boy and studied hard andto excel. He is superintendent of the Sabbathobtained a Teachers' School of that church in Watford. InCertificate, and after teaching severalyears, attended the Western politics, he is a staunch Conservative,University, an active and influential officer in hisLondon, from which he graduated M.D. party, being president of the EastLambton Conservative As-^^HSCI sociation. He has all thequalities for a public man,and has been pressed tobe<strong>com</strong>e a candidate for Municipaland Parliamentaryhonors, but his growingpractice forbids. He, however,takes an active interestin educational matters,being chairman of thePublic School Board of Watford,and also president of theWatford Mechanics' Institute,which he was largelyinstrumental in resuscitating.Dr. Gibson issurgeonof the 2;th Battalion (St.Clair Borderers), and is alsoa prominent official in theC.O.F.,I.O.F.,L.O.L., I.O.O.F., Royal Arcanum andthe K.O.T.M., in whichlatter order he is ProvincialPhysician for Ontario. InNovember aoth, 1888, hewas married to Miss EllaLong, niece of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Woods, old andhighly esteemed residents ofWatford. His family consistsof two daughters.

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