Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CA.NADA.-4 irERMAN LEWIS McINNIS,(3jH M.D.C.M., Edmonton, Alberta,VS> was born October I3th, 1863,at St. John, N.B. His parents werein 1886, from which institution he alsocarried off the gold medals. ITI1885,he served as assistant surgeon in themedical corps, during the North-WestJ. L. and Mary (Lewis) Mclnnis. His Rebellion. In the Fall of 1886, he removedto Edmonton, where he has afather was Irish, while his mother wasof Puritan stock. The former is atpresent auditor in the Customs large practice, and isgreatly esteemed.Department,Winnipeg. Dr. Mclnnis was edu-further prosecuted his studies in Vi-In 1890, he proceeded to Europe, andcated in the College and University of enna, Berlin and London. Dr. MclnnisFredericton, N.B. In 1879, he joined makes a specialty of diseases of children.He is a member of the A.O.F.,his parents at Winnipeg, Manitoba. Hefollowed the business of chemist for five and is senior coroner, for the Edmontonyears, two before he removed west, and district, with rights for the entirethree at Winnipeg. He graduated North-West Territory. In politics,heM.D.C.M., from Manitoba University, is a Liberal-Conservative.

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