Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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54CANADA.,EV. JOHN HAR-DEN BEST, Bapt-_ist Minister, NewWestminster, B.C., was bornin Millford, Carlow County,Ireland, April 2ist, 1855.He came to Canada with hisparents in 1857, and settledin Kent County, Ontario,where he received his primaryeducation. When fourteenyears of age he wasconverted and has since thattime devoted his life toChristian work. At theage of sixteen, he not unfrequentlyoccupied vacantpulpits, and otherwise tookprominent part in Christianwork. In 1872, he enteredthe Woodstock College,where he <strong>com</strong>pletedhis literary and theologicalcourse, graduating in theSpring of 1879. He wasordained in May of thatyear at Uxbridge, Ont.,where he remained twoand had much ma-years,terial and spiritual prosperity.He then succeededthe late Rev. Dr. T. L.his oldDavidson, at Chatham, Ont.,Church home. His pastorate there,was one of continual prosperity, andhis church made rapid progress. Inthe Spring of 1885, Mr. Best resignedhis Chatham charge, and removed toa new congregation in the town ofBrandon, Manitoba, where he spentfive years, and succeeded in establishinga strong and self-supporting church.During his ministry in Brandon, hedevoted one year to the superintendencyof Baptist Missions, and under hismanagement a brighter day for missionwork dawned on Manitoba, and theNorth-West Territories. Fourteen newchurches were organized, pastors settled,and an impetus given to the work,which it has not since lost. In May,1890, he received and accepted a call tohis present charge, the Olivet BaptistChurch, New Westminster, B.C., theoldest Baptist Church on the mainlandof British Columbia, and the largest inthe Province. His three years pastoratehave seen gratifying improvements ofthe church edifice, and increase of thecongregation membership. He is amember of the A. F. & A. M. andI.O.O.F. orders. Mr. Best was married,March i7th, 1885, to Sadie, daughter ofJ. S. McCaul, Esq., Toronto, Ont.

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