Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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53,BV. DYSON HAGUE, M.A.,Rector of St. Paul's Church,_ Halifax, N.S., was born inApril, 1857, at Toronto, Ont. He isthe second son of Mr. George Hague,general manager of the Merchants'Bank of Canada, and the well-knownCanadian banker, a man to whom thebanking institutions of Canada owemuch. Rev. Mr. Hague received hiseducation, first at Upper Canada College,and continued it at UniversityCollege, Toronto. He graduated B.A.from Toronto University in 1880, andreceived the degree of M.A. from thesame institution in 1881, He is alsoa graduate in theology, ofWyclyffe College, Toronto.He was ordained deacon in1882, by the Bishop of Toronto,and was for threeyears curate of St. JamesCathedral in that city. In1885 he was appointed firstrector of St. Paul's Church,Brockville, and in 1890, wasappointed to the rectorshipof St. Paul's, Halifax, N.S.,the oldest Protestant Churchin the Dominion of Canada,and the largest in the MaritimeProvinces. It wasbuilt of cedar, pine and oakbrought in a vessel fromBoston, and opened for divineservice September 2nd,1750. It is covered withmemorial tablets of thefamous citizens, statesmen,and divines, and the Coatsof Arms of deceased noblemenand others. It ac<strong>com</strong>modatesabout 2,000 people.The orginal building stands,although a chancel andwings have been added.Mr. Hague has shown himselfto be a u workman thatneedeth not to be ashamed," in his formerchurches, and during the time hehas been rector of St. Paul's, he hasdisplayed not less conspicuous abilitythan his illustrious predecessors, earningfor himself the love and esteem ofhis parishioners. He was married, in1884, to the eldest daughter of the lateRobert Baldwin, Esq., of Toronto,whose portrait and biography appearin Vol. II. of " The Canadian Album."His family consists of three children.Mr. Hague is the author of the " Protestantismof the Prayer," a work whichhas had a second editionEngland.published in

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