Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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IVLENLEONARD ALLISON,Barrister,Sussex, Kings County, N.B., was^Vs> born at Newport, Hants County,N. S., March 3rd, 1855. He is theeldest child of John Allison and hiswife Rachel S., second daughter ofAnthony Shaw, Esq., of Newport. He isa great-great-grandson of Joseph Allison,of Newport, Liinavady, near Londonderry,Ireland, the founder of the Allisonfamily in N. S., and nephew of DavidAllison, LL-D., president of MountAllison University, Sackville, N. B.,and of W. Henry Allison, representativeof Hants County for two terras inthe Nova Scotia Legislature, and subsequentlyfor a like periodin the Dominion Parliament.He received his early educationin the <strong>com</strong>mon schoolsof Newport, and in 1870,entered Sackville Academy.Winningan Alumni scholarship,he matriculated nextyear at the college there,and having taken severalvaluable prizes, he graduatedB.A., May 25th, 1875, asvaledictorian of his class.He then spent six years asteacher of classics in SackvilleAcademy. In June,1880, he entered as lawstudent with Albert S.White, Esq., of Sussex, nowSolicitor-General of N. B.,but continued at Sackvilleuntil June 1882, reading,law with H. A. Powell, Esq.,now M.P.P. for WestmorelandCounty. He thenstudied with Silas Alward,Esq., D.C.L., of St. John,N. B., until the followingMarch, when he returned toSussex and <strong>com</strong>pleted histerm with Mr. White. Onadmission as Attorney, June14th, 1883, he formed with Mr. White,the law firm of White & Allison, whichbecame White, Allison & King, July22nd, 1889. Mr. Allison was sworn inas Barrister, June 26th, 1884, a"d marriedJune 1 7th, 1885, to Ada S., eldestdaughter of John Murray, Esq., ofPenobsquis, N. B. He is an adherentof the Methodist Church, and leader ofthe choir in connection therewith at Sussex.He has written a pamphlet on theEarly History of Sussex, and has contributedto the " Toronto Globe " for 1890,and to the " Dominion Illustrated " forof inter-1891, views of numerous placesest in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

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