Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK49GUY CAMPBELL, contractor,Ottawa, Ont.,was born February Qth,1847, in Plynipton Township,Larnbton County, Ont.His parents, Robert andMarian (Pettigrew) Campbell,were among the earliestand most highly respectedpioneers of Lambton County.His father, a nativeof Glasgow, Scotland, camein early life to Canada, butwent to the United States,where, for some years, hewas superintendent of largecotton mills. He afterwardssettled in Plympton, anddied in 1878, in Wyoming,Ont., Their family consistedof five sons and twoMr. Guy Camp-daughters.bell received only a publicschool education, and ateighteen struck out for himself.He was soon engagedon public works in theUnited States, in differentcapacities. In 1875, he beganoperations on the C.P.R., and continued with theroad until its<strong>com</strong>pletion.He built the bridges from Port Arthurto Winnipeg, and in partnership withMr. O'Neil, took contracts in constructingthe road between Winnipeg andthe Rockies. He also built many ofthe bridges along the North Shore ofLake Superior, and in 1882-83, builtthe Broadway bridge across the RedRiver at Winnipeg. From 1885 to I^9 1 ^he built ten miles of the P. & P. J.Railway, 5 miles of the C.P.R., betweenMontreal and Smith's Falls, 15 milesof the Temenescotta Railway, betweenRiviere du Loup and Edmunton, N.B.,7 miles of the grading of the O. & N.G.Railway, in Nova Scotia, and 22 milesof the " Missing Link," between Annapolisand Digby, N.S., on which latter,some very difficult and expensive bridgeconstruction was necessary. Mr. Campbellis a member of the A. F. & A. M.,and A. O. U. W. In politics, he is aConservative, and in religion, a Presbyterian.He was married, April 9th,1883, to Maggie, eldest daughter ofRobt. McKim, formerly of Perth, Ont.,but now of Bay City, Mich. His familyconsists of two children. Mr. Campbellpossesses in a marked degree the respectand esteem of his fellow men, and hisenergy and enterprise are well worthythe emulation of our Canadian youth.

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