Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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4 6 7T E. HARVEY, M.D., reeve of\ j[^ Wyoming, Ont., was born inV) 1841, in Hants County, N.S.His father, Andrew Harvey, B.A.,P.L.S., was also a native of HantsCounty, and praticed his professionboth in Nova Scotia, and afterwards inNorfolk County, Ont., where he removedin 1851, and where for sometimehe acted as superintendent of publicschools. At his own expense, he putthe Ten Commandments in tablet form,into all the schools of his county, andthe Rev. Dr. Ryerson, upon his suggestion,had them introduced into allthe Canadian public schools. He wasa staunch Presbyterian, a profoundscholar, a life long Reformer, and aman of upright Christian character.His wife, Abigail Harvey, was a veryestimable woman. She died in 1892,having survived her husband nearly20 years. Dr. Harvey, his son, receivedhis primary education chiefly by theprivate tuition of his father, duringleisure hours, as he worked on the farmin summer, and in the lumber woodsin winter. When eighteen he beganteaching school, and after three or fouryears, entered Queen's University,Kingston, graduating M.D. in 1869.He then located in Wyoming, wherehe has practised ever since.He has been thrice married ;first to Margaret, daughterof Robert Willis, of Norfolk,by whom he had twodaughters then to Catherine,daughter of John;McLetire, Esq., of PlymptonTownship, and after herdeath, to his second wife'ssister, Jennie McLeure, bywhom he has three children.Dr. Harvey, in additionto his medical labors, carrieson farming on an extensivescale, and also keepsa large apiary. Like hisfather before him, he is astaunch Reformer, secretaryof the Wyoming ReformAssociation, and an out andout Free Trader. He is anadherent of the PresbyterianChurch, also belongs to theA.F. and A.M., in whichorder he is D.D.G.M., ofSt. Clair Div. No. 2. Thedoctor has been for yearsa prominentand influentialmember of the WyomingBoard of Education, andreeve of the municipality.

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