Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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INDEX. 493McAvenney, Andrew Francis, D.D.S.,St. John, N.B 263McColl, Ebenezer, Winnipeg, M. ... 274McConnell, Benjamin James, M.D., Morden,M 414McConnell, John, M.B., Toronto, O. . .404McCourt, Peter, Charlottetown, P.E.I. .483McCoy, Rev. Joseph, Chatham, N.B. . .117McCully, William, Truro, N.S 224McCutcheon, Hugh, Kamlocps, B.C. . .418McDevitt, Rev. Father J., M.A., Sussex,N.B 75McDevitt, Rev. James Charles, Fredericton,N.B 171McDiarmid, A., M.D., Winnipeg, M, . 161McDonald, Rev. Win. Bernard, B.D.,Lourdes, N.S 220McDonald, Right Rev. Jas. Chas, D.D.,Charlottetown, P.E.I 398McDonald, The late Very Rev. Daniel,D.D., Charlottetown, P.E.I 430McDougall, Adam Gerrond, J.P., Virden,M ...... 84McEwen, James Arthurson, M.D., Melbourne,86McFadden, John Jas, M.D., Neepawa, M. 163Mclnnis Herman Lewis, M.D., C.M.,Edmonton, Alta 56Mclntosh, Rev. D. J., P.P., North Sydney,N.S 257Mclntyre, John, Fort William, O. ... 251Mclntyre, Right Rev. Peter, D.D., Charlottetown,P.E.I 432McKellar, John, Fort William, O. . . .154McKenzie, JohnT., Charlottetown, P. E.I. 445McKiel, Rev. Win. Le Baron, St. Martins,N.B 315McLarren, Prince Doane, Halifax. N.S. 95McLean, Donald, Calgary, Alta 74McLean, Honorable Daniel, Portage LaPrairie, M 336McLean, John Clarke Carlos de Leano,L.D.S., Montreal, Q 69McLean, John William, M.D., C.M.,North Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. .299McLelan, Hon. Arch., W., Halifax, N.S. 5473McLeod, Ezekiel, Q.C., M.P., St. John,N.B. .McLeod,Rev. Hugh, A.M., D.D., Sydney,C.BMcLeod, Wm. McKenzie, M.D., Sydney,283C.B 309McMicken, the late Hon. Gilbert, Winnipeg,M 1 8McMillan, Col. D. H., Winnipeg, Man. 15McNeill, Hon. Daniel, M. P. P., PortHood, C.B 23McNinch, Rev. Abner Mercereau, F.C.. . .474. .170Petitcodiac, N.B 127Meahan, John C., M.D., Bathurst Village,N.B.Meikle, John Lovell, Port Arthur, O.Michaud, Rev. F.X.Jos., Buctouche.N.B. 90Mitchell, John F. , Winnipeg,M 178Moir, John, Holland, M 382Monroe, Robert Gordon, Digby, N.S. . .203423Moore, Dr. James Walker, St. Stephen,N.B. . .Moortel, Rev. Theophilus Van De, Belledune,N.B 136Moran, Capt. Wm. Henry, St. Martins,N.B 335Morrison, Jos. H., M.D., St. John, N.B. 179Morrison, Rev. Peter M., Halifax, N.S. 60Morrison, William Somerville, M.D.. St.John, N.B 407Morse, Clinton Jas., M.D., Amherst, N.S. 446Morse, Edward Jas., B.A., Windsor, N.S. 108.134.383Morse, William Agnew Denny, Judge,Amherst, N.S 339Moseley, Hon. E. .Tilton, Q.C., Sydney 269Mott, The late John P., Halifax, N.S.Mulvey, Major Stewart, Winnipeg, M.Murphy, Rev. Edward F., D.D., Halifax 83Murphy, Dr. Martin, Halifax, N.S. . .58Murray, George H., M.L.C., N. Sydney 328Neill, James Stewart, Fredericton, N.B. .425Newman, Frederick Leslie, Portage LaPrairie, M 131Niblock, John, Medecine Hat, Assa. . . 101. .Nicholson, Robt., M.D., Newcastle, N.B. 104Niles, D.C., L.D.S., Winnipeg, M.Nolan, Michael F. , Montreal, Q46081Norton, R.B., Charlottetown, P.E.I. . .447Norquay, The late Hon. J., Winnipeg, M. 10

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