Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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490 INDEXBrunet, Alfred, Montreal, Q 164Bryce, Rev. Dr. B.A.,M.A., LL. B.,LL.D., Winnipeg, M 314Buchanan, Rev. Thos. C., Carberry, M. 264Burke, Rev. Alfred Ed., B.D., Alberton. 435Burrows, Theo. A., M. P. P., Winnipeg, M. 291Byrne, Rev. Father Edward John,B.A.,Sussex, N.B 47Calder, John Geo., M.D., C.M., Medecine.340Hat, Assa 98Caldwell, John Fraser, Winnipeg, M. .Calhoon, George, Hopewell Cape, N.B. .385Callbeck, Hon. Henry John, Charlottetown,P.E.I 456Cameron, The Right' Rev. John, D.D.,Ph.D., Antigonish, N.S 261Cameron, The Hon. John Donald,B.A.,Winnipeg, MCampbell, Duncan Hugo, Toronto, O . .1393Campbell, Enoch M., Woodstock, N.B. .481Campbell, Geo. Huestis, Winnipeg, M. .214Campbell, Guy, Ottawa, 49Carleton, John Louis, St. John, N.B. . .191Carroll, J. T., M.D., C.M., Vancouver,B.C 323Carruthers, Geo, M.D., Alberton, P.E.I. 411Carscallen, Alvin D., M.D., Morris, M. .364Caven, Rev. Wm., Manitou, M 297Chalmers, The late John, Poole, O. . .89Cherrier, Rev. Alphonsus Avila, Winnipeg,M 210Chipman, Judge, John P., Kentville, N.S. 25Chisholm, Colin, Sydney, N.S 275Chisholm, Rev. John J., P.P., Pictou, N.S. 247Chisholm, Rev. Daniel A., D.D., Antigonish,N.S 259Church, Charles Edward, M.P. P. andM.E.C., Halifax, N.S 159Clinton, Rev. Henry Glynne-Fiennes,Vancouver, B.C 208Cochrane, Robert Rutherford, B.A., Winnipeg,M 391Colcleugh, Frederick William, M.P. P.,Selkirk, M 24Conmee, James, M.P. P., Port Arthur, O. 29Cook, Henry George, B.A., M.D., C.M.,Manitou, M 312Cooper, Rev. H. D., M.A., Holland, M. 239Cooper, Hugh M., M.D., New Westminster,B.C 48Cormier, Rev. F. X., Cocagne, N.B. . .146Crawford, Hon. John, Neepawa, M. . .250Crisp, Rev. James, Sussex, N.B 37Crisp, Robert Isaac, Souris, M 308Crisp, Rev. Robt. S., Salisbury, N.B. .351Crowell, S. Atwood, Yarmouth, N.S. .156Cumberland, Thomas Dickey, Judge,.244Brandon, M 392Gumming, Rev. Robert, Westville, N. S. 359Gumming, Rev. Thomas, Truro, N.S. .246Curry, Duncan Steele, Winnipeg, M. .Curry, Nathaniel, Mayor, Amherst, N.S. 8Dagenais, Edward, Montreal, Q 43Daley, Major John, Digby, N.S 166Daniel, John W., M.D., St. John, N.B. .229.406Darrach, D., M.D., Kensington, P.E.I.Davidson, John A., M.P. P., Neepawa, M. 120Davidson, Thomas, Montreal, Q 415Davies, L.H., Q.C., M.P., Charlottetown,P.E.I 461Day, Rev. B. W., Granby, QDe Blois, Wm. Minet, Annapolis Royal,479N.S 199Dennis, James Duncan, Yarmouth, N. S. 153D'Eschambault, Joseph Alexander F.,M.D., Winnipeg, M 395Dewitt, George Erastus, M.D., Woltville,N.S 195Doane, F. W. W., Halifax, N.S. ... 71Doherty, I.Wilson, M.D., Kingston, N.B. 149Doherty, Wm. Woodly, M.D., Campbellton,N.B 388Dollard, Rev. Father William, St. Stephen,N.B 219Donaldson, Samuel James, Prince Albert,Saskatchewan 148Donald, Wni. A., B.A., Pilot Mound, M. 253Doody, Rev. Walter J., Annapolis, N.S. 119. .Dore, Joseph, Emery, Montreal, Q. 39Dowswell, Albert E., Fort William, O. . 126. .294.295Doyle, Rev. Father E., Mill Town, N.B. 215Drewry, Edward L,., Winnipeg, M.Drewry, Fred. William, Winnipeg, M.Drewry, Geo., Rat Portage, Out 408

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