Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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INDEX.Adams, George W., Fredericton, N.B. 457Adamson, Robert, Virden, Man. . . .325Addy, Geo. A. B., M.D., St. John, N.B. 232Agnew, John, Alberton, P.E.I 410Agnew, Niven, M.D., Winnipeg, Man. .296Aikins, Hon. James Cox., P.C., LL.D.,Toronto, Ont 342Alexander, J. R., M.D., Montreal, Que. 471Allen, Hon. Sir John Campbell, K.B.,LL.D., Fredericton, N.B 21Allen, Rev. John Salter, Richibucto, N. B. 79Allison, J. Walter, Halifax, N.S. ... 19Allison, Leonard, Sussex, N.B '50Alloway, Wm. Forbes, Winnipeg, M. .234Anderson, Robt. Alex., Vancouver, B.C. 36Archibald, Blowers, North Sydney, CapeBreton 311Archibald, Wm. H., North Sydney, N.S. 337Archibald, Donald, Sheriff, Halifax, N.S. 112Armstrong, Hugh, M.P.P., Portage LaPrairie, M 139Armstrong, J. Neville, N. Sydney, N.S. 343Ashby, John Burkill, St. Paul's, Man. .361Ashdown, J. H., J.P., Winnipeg, Man. .380Ashley, Wm. Henry, Boissevain, Man. .424Baker, Hon. Loran Ellis, M.L.C., Yarmouth,N.S 174Bannatyne, The lateHon. And. GrahamBallenden, Winnipeg, M 301Barker, Frederic E., Q.C., St. John, N.B. 237Barrett, J. Kelly, LL.D., Winnipeg, M. 310Barren, William Caven, London, Ont. .452Bathgate, William, Winnipeg, Man. . .290Beatty, Wm., M. A., LL.B., Parry Sound. 252Beauregard, Rev. J. Ludger, Waterloo, Q. 434Bell, Adam Carr., New Glasgow, N.S. .451Belliveau, Rev. Phil. L., Barachois, N.B. 51Benson, Edward, M.D., Bensonhurst,Winnipeg, Man 1 1Bernier, Hon. Thos. A., St. Boniface, M. 26Berrie, Rev. J. Charlton, Hillsboro, N.B. 317Bessette, A. H. S. (Magog, Que 346Best, Rev. John Harden, New West-.402minster, B.C. .54Black, C. Allan, M.U., Amherst, N.S.Black, J. Burpee, M.D., Windsor, N.S. .197Black, J. Ferguson, B.A.,M.U., Halifax. 99Black, The late Rev. John, D.D., Kildonan,M. 306Black, William Ross, B.A., Carman, M. 292Blackmer, Reuben, Fredericton, N.B. .403Blakely, Elgin Adams, M.D., Winnipeg. 226Borthwick, Rev. Hugh J., A.M., Morden 313Boswell, Lieut. Col. Charles Musgrave,A. B.C., Winnipeg, Man. ..... 377Boucher, Rev. Father Amadeus A., UpperCharlo, N.BBourque, Thomas Jean, M.D., RichibuctoBousquet, J.S., Montreal, Que. .';.. 38Bowen, G. A., M.D..C.M., Magog, Q.Bowman, Rev. Archibald,. .New Glasgow399245Bowman, William, London, Ont. . . .448Boyd, Hon. Nath., M.P., Carberry, M. .32Boyle, Robert Clarke, M.D., Morden, M. 409Bradd, Fred. J., M.D..C.M., Omenee, O. 485Braithwaite, Edward Ainslie, M.D., Edmonton,Alta 427Brecken, Rev. Ralph, M.A.,D.D., Fredericton,N.B 185Bridgman, Rev. Wellington, Deloraine, M. 260Brigham, Isaac R., Moosomin, Assa . .72Brigstocke, Frederick Herveyjohn, D.D.,St. John, N.B 27Brown, George Wesley, Port Arthur, O. 192Browne, George, Winnipeg, M 222

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