Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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488 OKJOSEPHB. MACDONALD,Merchant, Charlottetown, P.E.I.,was born in Souris, Kings Co.,P.E.I., March 22nd, 1848. His fatherwas the late Capt. Donald Allan Macdonald,and his mother's maiden namewas Mary McCormack. They formerlylived at St. Peter's, and were widelyknown and highly respected. Mr.Macdonald was educated in the publicschools of Souris. When about fifteenyears of age, he entered upon mercantilelife as a clerk, in the employ of Mr.Wm. Stone, Souris, with whom he remainedtwo years, after which he enteredthe establishment of the late Hon.Patrick Walker, of Charlottetown, remainingwith him five years. In 1870,Mr. Macdonald established his presentbusiness, which embraces dry goods,clothing, boots and shoes. In 1892, hewas burnt out, but immediately rebuilt,and now has a finer trade and betterstock than ever. His establishmenthas the reputation for honorable dealing,and as such controls a large trade inthe city of Charlottetown and countrysurrounding. In business, he is enterprisingand pushing, and has a wideknowledge of his business, while sociallyhe is a liberal and public spiritedcitizen, universally esteemed. In religion,Mr. Macdonald is aRoman Catholic, and inpolitics, a Liberal, an activeand influential memberof his party. He isvice-president of the CaledoniaClub, of Charlottetown,president of the C.M.B.A., of that city, and amember of the Board ofSchool Trustees of Charlottetown,for ten years,three of which he was chairman.He has been marriedtwice :first, in 1876, toMiss Elizabeth Quirk, adaughter of John Quirk,Esq., of Charlottetown,P.E.I., by whom he had onedaughter, and again in 1881,to Catharine, daughter ofJames McDonald, Esq., ofOrwell, and niece of theVery Reverend MonsieurJames McDonald, of St.Andrew's, by whom he hashad four sons and three:daughters, namely JosephBernard, Mary, Annie Elizabeth,Ernest Somerled,Frederick Charles, LouisJames and Agnes.

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