Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JV1KN OR487TT QUILLA ORMSBY GRAY- don is resident engineer of the L. &_X~\ DON, City Engineer, London, P.V) S. R'y,is a member of the CanadianOnt., was born in that city, Society of Engineers, and of the LondonBoard of Trade. He is a memberlate Simpson Hackett Graydon, B.A., of the A.F. & A.M., Tuscan Lodge,July yth, 1854. His father was the(T. C. Dublin), barrister, etc., and exmayorof London. He and of the Scottish was Rite, also of L.O.L.,a prominentConservative, an alderman of Lon-Mizpah Lodge, belongs to the LondonNo. 298, and the Knights of Pythias,don for many years, and chairman of Club and the London Hunt Club. Mr.the Board of Education of that city for Graydonis well versed in all mattersseveral years. He was a man of brilliantparts, of sterling integrity, and religion, he is an Episcopalian, and inpertaining to civil engineering. Inthe better he was known, the more politics,highly esteemed he became. He a Conservative. He was a memberof the Town Council of Londonin 1884, deeply regretted. The subject East, the year it was amalgamated withdiedof this sketch was educated in the publicand Grammar schools ofthe city. He is unmarried.his native city. At seventeen,he entered the Merchants'Bank of Canada, inwhose service he remainedthree and a half years, butill health <strong>com</strong>pelled him torelinquish banking, and hewas soon after appointedpaymaster for Wm.Hendrie,of Hamilton, and for threeyears acted in that capacityon the W. G. & B. R'y,south extension, and on theHamilton and Lake ErieR'y. After this, he returnedto London, and studiedcivil engineering and architecture,under Robinson &Tracy, both of whom afterwardsbecame city engineersof London. In 1881,Mr. Graydon became a P.L.S., opened an office of hisown, and soon had a largepractice in the County ofMiddlesex. In 1891, he receivedhis present appointment,succeeding Col. Thos.H. Tracy, whose assistanthe had been for 'the threeprevious years. Mr. Gray-

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