Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN OF* CAXADA. 485T^REDERICK JOHN BRADD,-I M.D., C.M., also Licientiate, UniversityState of New York, Oiiieinee.Out., was born in NorthumberlandCounty, Ont, October 3ist, 1860. Hisfather, John Bradd, was of U. E. Loyalistdescent, and his mother, JeanMasson, was born in Wales. Dr.Bradd received his primary educationat the public schools and the Colborueand Brighton High schools. Whenseventeen years of age, he procured ateacher's certificate, and taught for oneyear, after which he returned to theHigh School and secured a higher certificate,on which he taught in Percyfor five years.In 1884, he entered TorontoUniversity Medical College, wherehe remained four years, graduating in1888. He then removed to Campbellford,and in 1892, settled in Omeniee,where he has secured a large practice.In religion, Dr. Bradd is an adherentof the Church of England. He is amember of and physician to the I.O.O.F.and I. O.K. societies, also a member ofA.F. & A.M. He is a Conservative, andan advocate of Canadian Independence.May 27th, 1881, he married, MargaretVictoria, eldest daughter of Jas. McCormack,of Warkworth, Ont. His familyconsists of one son and two daughters.

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