Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JVlENOKr. MOSES P. ORSER, Pastorthe Free Baptist Church,Hartland, Carleton County,N. B., was born in the parish of Brighton,Carleton County, November 22nd,1833. He is the son of Moses Orserand Martha Hamilton, his father wasborn on the farm our subject is nowliving on, and his mother in Lincoln,Sunbury County, N.B. His grandfather,William Orser, came to thiscountry with the U. E. Loyalists, andfor a few years resided near Fredericton,after which he removed to Hartland,where he resided until his death. Mr.Orser received his education at thepublic schools of CarletonCounty, and on leavingschool, went on the farm,and continued farming until1 870, when he <strong>com</strong>menced tostudy for the ministry, andwas ordained December26th, 1875, his first pastoratebeing the parish of Peel,Carleton County. He wasthen at Simmons, CarletonCounty, and CanterburyStation, York County. Hethen labored for some yearsin Nova Scotia, afterwardsreturning to Carleton County,where he now resides.He was chairman of theFree Baptist Assembly ofNew Brunswick, for thirteenyears in succession, whenhe resigned, and becameassistant clerk for two years,and in 1893, he was againelected chairman, althoughnot being desirous of holdingthe position. Mr. Orserwas married, December3ist, 1853, to Caroline S.,daughter of G. R. Boyer,Esq., of Victoria Corner,parish of Wakefield, CarletonCounty, N.B. His family consistsof five children, three daughters ofwhom are now living ;the eldest isnow Mrs. David E.of Hart-Morgan,land, the second, Mrs. S. H. White, ofHartland, and the youngest is living athome. In his earlier days, Mr. Orserheld many municipal offices, and atpresent is auditor of the Carleton AgriculturalSociety, and chairman of theDairymen's Association of CarletonCounty. For five years he was a memberof the active militia, and for threeyears held the <strong>com</strong>mission of ensign inCapt. Vinces Company, and was afterwardselected captain of a <strong>com</strong>pany.

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