Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK483McCOURT,Editor of the Watchman,Charlottetown,Prince Edward Island, wasborn April 29th, 1850, atWest Newton, Lot 26, P.E.I.His parents, Bernard and(Hughes)MargaretMcCourt, were natives ofIreland, and highly respectedfor their honesty and industry.After a publicschool education, Mr. Mc-Court entered a printingoffice where he learned theart of printing. In 1876 hestarted the Advertiser inGeorgetown, P. E. whichI.,he conducted with muchusefulness and vigor until1882. From 1885 untilMr. McCourt held a1892,position in the registry office,Charlottetown, during partof which time he collectedunder great difficulties, thematerial for the work entitled"Biographyand Speechesof Hon. E.Whelan," publishedin 1888. The subjectof this volume was, for manyyears, a leading statesmanof P. E. Island, and the biography, thuswritten, has been a very valuable work.In 1890, when the Watchman was started,Mr. McCourt assumed the editorship,and now givesit his entire timeand attention, and under his ablemanagement the paper has be<strong>com</strong>ewidely known throughout the Island,and is a powerful organ in the interestsof the conservative party. In religion,Mr. McCourt belongs to the RomanCatholic Church, and in politics he isa staunch Liberal-Conservative, and anactive and influential member of hisparty. He ispresident of the BenevolentIrish Society, and second vicepresidentof the Catholic Mutual BenefitAssociation of Charlottetown. In1883, Mr. McCourt was married toMiss Fannie B. Byrne, daughter ofthe late Martin Byrne, Esq., of Georgetown,by whom he has five children,three sons and two daughters. Mr.McCourt is an enthusiastic journalist,a loyal Canadian and believes stronglyin British institutions and tolerationtowards all classes and creeds, alwayshas the courage of his convictions,and is fearless in defending the rightand denouncing the wrong, consequentlyhe has the esteem and considerationof all who know him.

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