Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JVIKN 481M. CAMPBELL, Photo-of the art, he did a travelling businessgrapher, Woodstock, N. B., was in the U. S. forborn in Carleton eight years. He thenCounty, September1 7th, 1843. He is the son of chased the gallery formerly occupiedreturned to his native town, and pur-Enoch Campbell and Eliza Dickinson. by W. A. Moores, the leading photographicestablishment of the place.His father was born on the TobiqueRiver, Victoria County, his grandfather, Since then, Mr. Campbell's work hasEdmund Campbell, being the first man be<strong>com</strong>e well known and largely patronizedthroughout his section of country.who settled there. Mr. Campbell receivedhis education at the schools of Mr. Campbell has been married twice,Carleton County, and at the Woodstock and the last time, in 1881, to Ida L.,Grammar School, after which he assistedhis father on the farm until he was Plymouth, Me. His family consists ofdaughter of Andrew Given, Esq., oftwenty-five years of age, when he went one daughter and three sons. In religion ,to the State of Maine to learn photography.After making himself master member of the I.O.O.F. andhe is a Calvanistic Baptist. He is aI.O.F.3'

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