Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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]VLKN 479,BV. BENJAMIN WILLIAM devote his time and energy to preachingDAY, Congregational Clergyman,Granby, P.Q., was born June 1862, to Miss Jennie Foggin,the Gospel. Mr. Day was married, inat Birmingham, Eng. He is a son of daughter of the late JohnBenjamin D. Foggin,Day, who was in his Toronto. Mrs. Day hasday a well-known always takenlocal preacher. His an active part with her husband inmother's maiden name was Harriet church matters, and her amiable qualitiesand rare gifts have placed herPhillips. Mr. Day was educated atthe Toronto Congregational College, highfrom which he graduated in 1861. Hein the esteem of the people amongwhom she has lived. His family consistsof one son, Francis John, who is inwas ordained by the Rev. John Wood,Rev. E. Ebbs, and others in 1862, after his final year in arts at McGillwhich he took College,charge of the mission of Montreal, and has thus far takenTurnbury and Howiclc, where he remainedfour years, afterwards remov-now giving special attention to thehonors at each examination, and ising to the Stouffville and Markham study of Semite languages.churches, where he remainedten years, when he removedto Cowansville, P.Q.,serving for four years. Hethen went to Lanark, Ont.,and after preaching therefor nine years, retired fortwo years on account of illhealth. He then removedto Mansville, N. Y., wherehe continued for two years,and in the Autumn of 1893,received and accepted a callto Granby, the most importantcharge in the Easterntownships. Mr. Day hasbeen one of the most successfulministers of theGospel. On all his charges,he has gained the affectionand esteem of his people,and, indeed, there is rarelyfound a clergyman in whomare <strong>com</strong>bined so many gifts.He is an able preacher aswell as a devoted pastor,and his long service in hischurch has had a goodinfluence on many. Inpolitics, he is a Liberal, buttakes no active part in politicalaffairs, preferring to

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