Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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476|EV. DANIEL FISKE, PresbyterianClergyman, Florenceville,^S> Carleton County, N.B., wasborn at Passadonkeag, in the State ofMaine, U.S.A., December 10, 1855. Heis the son of Benjamin N. Fiske, andCatherine McClnre. His father was anative of Wilton, New Hampshire, andhis mother, of Bayside, N. B. He couldread in the New Testament beforegoing to school. Mr. Fiske receivedhis early education at Harvey, YorkCounty, N.B., where he worked on thefarm in summer and attended school inwinter, and where he began teachingschool, when eighteen years of age.Hecontinued his studies at theNormal and High schools,Fredericton, N. B., from theformer of which he took, atintervals, higher grades oflicense, up to that of GrammarSchool, obtained in1881. He then entered NewBrunswick University, graduatingfrom that institutionwith first-class honorsin 1881, and in his thirdyear, obtained the mathematicalscholarship. Hetaught between terms. Hefelt his call to the ministry,however, and with this endin view took his theologicalcourse at Pine Hill College,Halifax, N. S., graduatingin 1885, and was ordainedin the Fall of the sameyear. For about five yearshe engaged in Home missionwork on the Upper St.John River, after which hewas on probation for a fewmonths, and was inductedinto his present pastorate,December 3rd, 1890, wherehe has been very successfulin building up his charge,both spiritually and financially. He isan able preacher, a faithful pastor andis very devoted to his work. He wasmarried, December 3oth, 1885, to JessieR., daughter of the late well-knownmerchant, C. F. McLeod, of Belle Isle,N.B., a native of Edinburgh, Scotland,and a second cousin of the late SirJohn A. Macdonald, Premier of Canada.His family consists of four children,three sons and one daughter. Mr.Fiske is a prominent member of theLoyal Orange Order and of the Sonsof Temperance, and takes a warm interestin the success of each of theseassociations.

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