Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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472 OR CANADA.EORGE EDWARD JAQUES,Forwarder and Shipping Agent,Montreal, P.Q., was born June 26th,1842. His parents were George E.Jaques and Anne Heap. Mr. Jaques waseducated at the High School, Montreal,at that time a department of McGillCollege. Having been head of theschool, he was entitled to a scholarshipfrom McGill College, which howeverhe did not claim. The firm of G. E.Jaques & Co., is well and favorablyknown in Canada. It was first establishedin 1836, and under the successivenames of Henderson & Hooker ;Hooker & Holton ; Hooker, Jaques &Co. ; Jaques, Tracy & Co., and G. E.Jaques & Co., have held a foremostposition among the carriers of theRiver St. Lawrence and the GreatLakes. Mr. Jaques has been a FreeMason formany years, and has heldthe offices of Junior Deacon, Secretary,Senior Warden and Worshipful Masterof St. George's Lodge, No. u, QuebecRegister, also for several years Secretaryof Hochelaga Grand Lodge ofPerfection and Registrar of HochelagaChapter of Sovereign Princes of theKnights of Rose Croix, and also one ofthe Grand Stewards of Grand Lodge ofQuebec. He has also been prominentlyconnected with theYoung Men's Christian Association,being for severalyears on the Board of theMontreal Association, andhas been chairman of employment<strong>com</strong>mittee, also ofrooms and library and thereception <strong>com</strong>mittees. Heis also an active Methodist,having held the positions ofsecretary of the SundaySchool, steward and trusteesteward of the West EndMethodist Church, secretaryfor several terms of theMethodist Sunday SchoolAssociation, and is at thepresent time (1894) recordingsteward, and also trusteeof St. James MethodistChurch, the largest MethodistChurch in the Dominion.He has also been forseveral terms a member ofthe Montreal Conference.He was married in 1868, toMiss Clarke, daughter ofthe late William Clarke,merchant, of Melbourne,Australia. His family consistsof four children.

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