Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MENCANADA.JOHN R. ALEXANDER, M.D., Louis Methodist churches, StansteadProprietor of the Turkish Baths Wesleyan College, and the WesleyanHotel, Montreal, was born Theological College, Montreal, etc.,March i5th, 1841, at Mascouche Rapids, He etc.is a member of the General ConferenceSuperannuated Ministers BoardP.Q. His father, John Alexander, andhis mother, Rebecca Robinson, belonged and was a member of the Annualto families noted for longevity and Conferences, 1876vigor of character. He to 1892. He haswas educated at always been interested in Church workthe Grammar School, Lindsay, Ont., and advancement, and is known as aBishop's College, Lennoxville, P.Q., quiet, but liberal giver in religious andMcGill University, Montreal, and the charitable causes. Dr. Alexander wasUniversity of Buffalo, N.Y. For six married, July 22nd, 1866, to Euniceyears, till his voice failed, he was a Emma Watts, daughter of Mr. Jas.zealous Methodist Minister, when his Watts, of Lancaster, State of New York.spirit of enterprise and talent for businessdrew him into lumbering and chair and one son.His family consists of two daughtersmanufacturing in New YorkState, which he successfully,continued three years. In1872, he became associatedwith The ^Etna Life InsuranceCo., and in 1875, wasappointed manager for Montrealdistrict, which positionhe still occupies. In 1884,in consequence of great benefitto his health derived fromhis treatment there, he becameinterested in the TurkishBaths Institute of Montreal,which he purchased.Under his supervision, thisbusiness grew from a modeststructure of fifteen rooms toone of nearly two hundred.The many advantages of theplace for boarders and travellershas gradually changedthe character of the business,and in 1893, it waschanged to the TurkishBaths Hotel, and is nowwidely known as the largestand finest temperance housein Canada. Dr. Alexanderis a trustee of DominionSquare, First French, MountRoyal Vale and Cote St.

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