Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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470prosperous business. Aftersome years he sold out hisbusiness there, and engagedin trade in Knowltou, andsucceeded in accumulatinga handsome fortune. In themidst of his busy life, healways found time to devotehis energies to public matters.In 1845, he identifiedhimself with municipal andschool concerns, and fromthat time until shortly beforehis death, gave hisvaluable experience to theTownship and County ofBrome, in some capacity.He was seven times mayorof the township, and fivetimes warden of the county.He was also for many yearsone of the directors of theSouth Eastern Railway Co.,and also for a time, of theCanada Central Railway.At the Elections of 1874, theelectors showed their appreciationof Mr. Pettes' services,by electing him by acclamation,and during thefour years he was in Parliament,THE LATE NATHANIEL he gave his supportPET- to the administration of the Hon.rTES, M.P. for Brome, was born Alexander MacKenzie, but he did notnear the village of West Brome, P.Q., care for political life, and so did notApril 2ist, 1816, and died at Knowlton, offer himself as candidate for re-election.Mr. Pettes has left an untar-Que., October 2oth, 1889. Mr Pettes'early educational advantages were limited,but he made the most of them, andnished reputation behind him, and afinally became a school teacher. Whencareer full of interesting and profitableless :,ns for young men to profit by. Hetwenty-one years of age, he met with was exact and methodical in his businesshabits, industrious and indefa-an accident which necessitated him devotinghimself to other than manuallabor, and with his meagre savings, hetigable in whatever he undertook, zealousin his support of what he consideredopened a small store in a room of his Bright and fearless in his denunciationfather's house, and after remaining of what he felt to be wrong. In 1844,there for a time, removed to Brome, he was married to Miss Narcissa Farrand,who survives enlarged his operations, and carried on a him.

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