Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN CANADA. 469HAS. W. STRONG,Collector of Customs,Summerside, P.E.I., was born 2nd July,1829, in St. John, N.B. Hisfather was the late Rev.John B. Strong, Methodistminister, born in Binghain,Nottinghamshire, Eng., andwas sent out in 1813, bythe British Wesleyan Conferenceto Canada. Hemarried Elizabeth Gambee,daughter of Luke Gambee,of Quebec, by whom he hadfive sons and two daughters.After laboring over fortyyears in the active work ofthe ministry, principally inthe Maritime Provinces, hebecamea supernumerary andresided in Bedeque,He P.E.I.died at Summerside, inMay, 1870, and his wife inOctober, 1872. Mr. Strongwas educated at WoodhouseGrove School, Yorkshire,Eng., and in the variouspublic schools of the townsin which his father was stationed.He engaged in mercantilepursuits for severalyears, in Charlottetown, P.E.I., Fredericton,N.B., Bedeque, P.E.I., andSummerside. In 1870, he became jointproprietor of the Summerside Journal,which he assisted to conduct, with muchsuccess. In 1873, he disposed of hisinterest in that paper, and received hispresent position from the Local Governmentof P.E.I. In religion, Mr.Strong is a Methodist, and has heldthe office of S. S. Superintendent withmuch acceptance. In politics,he is aConservative. In 1861, Mr. Strongmarried Miss Martha A. Wright, eldestdaughter of Jesse Wright, Esq., ofBedeque, by whom he has had fivechildren, two of whom are living, viz :Allen Wilmot Strong, B.Sc., of theHigh School, Montreal, and Jessie W.Strong, a graduate of Mount AllisonMusical Conservatory. In May, 1870,Mrs. Strong died, and in July, 1876, hemarried Charlotte Maria Treadwell,youngest daughter of the late NathanielTreadwell, of Fredericton, N.B. Mrs.Strong is active and zealous in church,mission and temperance work, and isone of the Dominion superintendentsof the W.C.T.U., and on account ofher possessing rare executive ability,her services in these departments aremuch appreciated.

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