Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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1VIKN 465TTUGHMcKAYFER--rf(SjH GUSON, Merchant,VS> Kingston, N. B.,was was born at Earl Town,Colchester Co., N. S., Aug.i2th, 1853. He is the sonof John Ferguson and ElizabethMcKay, daughter ofthe late Alex. McKay, ofDalhousie, Pictou. Mr. Fergusonwas educated at the<strong>com</strong>mon school, at EarlTown, and when twelveyears of age, <strong>com</strong>menceddriving the mail to Pictou,a distance of thirty-sixmiles. He was subsequentlyapprenticed to the tailoringtrade, at which he remainedfour and a half years, andduring the last year wasforeman. He then removedto Moncton, and entered theemploy of D. A. Duffy, fortwo years, and then went toBoston, Mass., for twoyears, being in the employof the Continental ClothingHouse. Mr. Duffy thenasked him to return toMoncton, which he did, andremained with him until1 88 1. He then removed to Kingston, in Moncton, and afterwards St. Andrew'sand started in business for himself, inFebruary of the same Lodge, of Richibucto, in whichyear, and has he was advanced, step by step, and is abuilt up a very extensive trade. Mr. Past Master, and Past Senior GrandFerguson is also a Justice of the Peace, Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Newan issuer of Marriage Licenses, school Brunswick and Botsford, Royal Archtrustee for the past five years, and secretaryof the Board, also secretary-permanent secretary of Prince AlbertChapter. While in Moncton, he wastreasurer of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Lodge of Oddfellows, for three sessions.Church for nine years. He was married,February iath, 1882, to Rebecca, in politics, supporting the Blair partyHe has always taken a very active partdaughter of Wni. Farrow, Sheniogue, for the Local House, and the Conservativeparty for the Dominion. He isN.B., by whom he has two children.He is a member of the Masonic Order, also a member of the Municipal Council,having been elected for the Shin-also of the Oddfellows and Foresters.He first joined Keith Lodge of Masons town Parish, October i8th, 1892.30

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