Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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EV. LOUIS CAMPBELLWURTELE, M. A., Incum-OK CANADA. 463in Science, under the distinguishedprofessors of the time. On his return_ bent of Acton vale, P. Q., to Canada, he took deacon's orders atwas born September ist, 1831, at Quebec,P.Q. He receivedis a son of the late Jona-priest's orders. He first served as tra-Quebec, and two years later,than Wurtele, Seigneur of River David, velling missionary in the district of St.County of Yamaska, P.Q. He began Francis, taking seven months to <strong>com</strong>pletehis circuit. The good he ac<strong>com</strong>-his education at River David, under atutor, with whom he studied for seven plished in this capacity was great, andyears, during which time he went he soon became extremely popular inthrough more Greek than he afterwards all parts of his circuit. His first chargedid at college. In 1853, he entered was the mission ofBishop's College, from which Actonvale, to whichhe graduatedin 1857, taking highest honors ceiving his license from the late Rev.he was appointed, May 26th, 1862, re-in Mathematics. He then spent a year Samuel S. Wood, M.A., rural Dean ofin London, Eng., to <strong>com</strong>plete a course the districts of Three Rivers and St.for theFrancis, <strong>com</strong>missarytime being, and has remainedthere ever since.Mr. Wurtele is master offive languages, viz. English,French, Greek, Latin:and Hebrew. He is regardedas one of the most scholarlymen in the Eastern Townships.He has a most extensivelibrary, containingthe largest collection of rareand classic works to befound in the district. Hehas, by his genial disposition,established himself inthe good graces of a largecircle of friends. He is aFellow of the American Associationfor the Advancementof Science, which hejoined in 1857. He is alsoa prominent member of theMasonic Order. He has alwaystaken an active partin educational matters. Mr.Wurtele has been marriedtwice :first, in 1860, to MissEmily Towle, of Lennoxville,and second, in 1874,to Miss Isabella G. Hunter,of Richmond, Me.

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