Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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459G~-EO. WASHINGTONSTEPHENS, Jr.,Real Estate Broker, andmember of the firm ofStephens & Warnecke,Montreal, P. Q., was bornAugust 3rd, 1866, at Montreal.His parents wereGeo. Washington Stephensand Elizabeth Mary Mclntosh.His father is the secondson of Harrison Stephens,who came to Montrealin 1828. He was fortwenty-three years an aldermanof that city, and nowis the member fordon Hunting-County in the QuebecLegislature, being one ofthe ablest and most brilliantspeakers of that Assembly.His mother is the eldestdaughter of John Mclntosh,of Edinburgh, Scotland.Mr. Stephens was educatedat the High School andMcGill College, Montreal,and continued his studiesat Geneva University, Switzerland,and the Universityof Marburg, Germany, fortwo years, namely: 1886-88.He started business in Hamburg, Germany,in the office of Steidtman & Co.,South American import agents, afterwardsreturning to Montreal, and engagedwith J. H. Taylor and ThomasRobertson & Co., hardware and metalmerchants. He afterwards became directorand vice-president of the CanadianB. & I.Company, now doing areal estate business in Mont-leadingreal. In politics, he is a Liberal, vicepresidentof the Junior Liberal Club,lifegovernor of Montreal General Hospitaland Protestant Insane Asylum, amember of the Mechanics Institute, ofthe Montreal Athletic Association andMontreal Curling Club, director of St.George's Snow Shoe Club, Fellow Associateof the University of Geneva,Switzerland, and a life member of theArtists Society of Schlarafia, Hanover,Germany. He is also vice-president ofthe Volunteer Electoral League ofMontreal. In religion, he is a Unitarian,and a member of the Church ofthe Messiah, Montreal, and holds theoffice of president of the Young People'sSociety. He is unmarried. Mr. Stephens'thorough education fully qualifieshim for his present position, and heis destined to make his mark amongthe business men of the Dominion.

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