Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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4517TDAM CARR BELL,;\ Druggist, New Glas-Vs> gow, N.S., wasborn November nth, 1847,at Pictou, N.S. His parentswere Basil Hall andMary Carr Bell, the formerwas born in Scotland, andthe latter was a native ofPictou, Nova Scotia. Mr.Bell was educated in theschools of New Glasgow,the academy at Sackville,N.B., and at the Universityof Glasgow, Scotland. In1866, he returned to NewGlasgow, and took chargeof the business formerlyconducted by his father, andsubsequently added to thisa flour and feed business.Besides these, Mr. Bell isvery largely engaged in thebreeding of standard bredtrotting horses, and ofClydesdale horses, Shorthorncattle and Shropshiresheep, and managed twofarms in connection withthat branch of his business.He stands high in the A.F.& A.M., for many yearswas a School Commissioner for SouthPictou, and on the incorporation of thetown of New Glasgow, in 1876, he becamefirst warden of the town, and wasre-elected by acclamation in 1884. In1878, he was elected for the House ofAssembly of Nova Scotia, and re-electedin 1882 and 1886. In 1887, ne resignedthe seat in the Local House,and was a candidate as Independent-Conservative for the House of Commons,but was defeated, and has not sincetaken an active part in politics. Whilea member of the Legislature, he becameProvincial Secretary of Nova Scotia,under the leadership of Hon. JohnThompson, Attorney-General and leaderof the Government, and after the resignationof that government in July,1882, was appointed leader of the Opposition,and continued in that positionuntil he resigned the seat. Mr. Bellhas always been a pronounced Liberal-Conservative, supporting the Act ofConfederation, and all the importantmeasures of the party in the Dominion,including the National Policy, and thebuilding of the C.P.R. In religion, heis a Presbyterian. He was married,Sept. 4th, 1873, to Annie, daughter ofJohn Henderson, of Albion Mines.He has four sons and one daughter.

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