Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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448 MKN OF*Y\7lLZJAM BOWMAN, London,ference,r\ Ecumenical,Ont., was born in 1820, in Liverpool,Eng. His father, Win. Bowman,class leader, local preacher, and forbeing an nearly forty years, superintendent ofiron monger, and a local the Sabbath School, where so manypreacher, a zealous and influential have been helped by his precept andworker in the early Methodist Church. example. In 1844, he married MissMr. Bowman was educated in Liverpool, Emma M. Smith. His family consistswhere he also learned drawing and mechanicalengineering, and then entered ior member of Bowman & Kennedy,the of five children, living, viz John, sen-:employ of the South West. Ry. Co. hardware merchants, of London, JamesIn 1853, he was sent out to Canada, by H., prof,the G. W. chemistry, in the CanadaRy. Co., as mechanical superintendent,Chemical Co., and for years lecturer ofwith head quarters at Hamil-chemistry in the Western University,ton. In 1856, he was appointed Mechanicalsuperintendent of the London in the coal and wood business, EmmaLondon, Chas. A., his father's partnerand Port Stanley Ry., with head quartersS. and Elizabeth E-at London, and soonafterwards becarnesec.-treas.of the <strong>com</strong>pany, which positionhe held until 1893.Mr. Bowman is president otthe Canada Chemical Co.,in which he is a largestockholder, a shareholderand director of the LondonLife Insurance Co., the OntarioLoan and DebentureCo., and the London StreetRailway Co. He has alsotaken an active interest inpublic and beneficient enterprises.He is a director andtrustee of the London Y.M.C.A., the Protestant Orphans'Home, and the HumaneSociety, and is expresidentof the LondonMechanics' Institute, to allof which, and many otherkindred enterprises, he hasbeen a princely giver. Inreligion, Mr. Bowman is aMethodist, a zealous andfaithful worker for overhalf a century. He hasbeen honored with nearlyevery office conferred on

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