Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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444 MENy E. PROWSE, M.P. P., Senior! member of the firm of Prowse^V> Bros., dry goods merchants,Charlottetown, P. E. I., was born nearthat city, February 2nd, 1858. Hisparents, William and Violet (Home)Prowse, highly respected people, areboth living, and reside near Boston,Mass. Mr. Prowse was educated inthe public schools of the Island, and atthe age of sixteen, entered upon his<strong>com</strong>mercial career, as a clerk in theemploy of James Higgins, with whomhe remained two years, after which heentered the establishment of W. A.Weeks & Co., where he remained fiveyears, gaining a thoroughknowledge of mercantilepursuits. In 1881, Mr.Prowse started business onhis own account in a smallway. Since then,it has increasedsix fold, and hisbusiness is now one of thelargest in the Province, <strong>com</strong>prisingdry goods, clothingand carpets. In 1889, therapid growth of the businessnecessitated a partner, anda brother, Mr. B. C. Prowse,was admitted. Mr. Prowse'ssuccess may be traced largelyto his own popularity,tact and push, and also todirect importation and rightprices. He is a member ofthe Independent Order ofForesters, and a Past Grandin the Independent Orderof Oddfellows, In religion,he is a member of the MethodistChurch, a trustee inthe church to which he belongs,a member of theQuarterly Board, and, infact, active in all the worktending to the advancementof religion and morality.In politics, he is a staunch Liberal, andin 1893, was elected by a very largemajority as a representative of thefranchise (popular vote), in the ProvincialLegislature, the first Liberal ofCharlottetown elected to the LocalHouse in the history of that city, whichshows the place he holds in the respectof the <strong>com</strong>munity. On July 22nd,1879, Mr. Prowse was married to MissFrances Stanley, daughter of GeorgeStanley, Esq., of Pownal, P.E.I. Hisfamily consists of two sons and onedaughter,:namely Herbert Tippett,Georgina Margaret and William Lemuel.

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