Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN 443ATTHEW TEN-NANT,of thefirm of Tennant,Davies & Co., Dry GoodsMerchants, Fredericton,York County, New Brunswick,was born in the cityof St. John, N.B., Marchi/th, 1847. His parentswere George Tennant andElizabeth Newman, highlyrespected citizens of thatcity. His father was bornin London, Eng., and hismother in the North of Ireland.He received his educationat the schools of St.John, and after <strong>com</strong>pletinghis studies, he was for ashort time in the book andstationery business, andthen entered the dry goodstrade, with the firm of Ennis& Gardner, St. John, N.B.,with whom he remained fiveyears, gaining a thoroughknowledge of the business,when he engaged with Mr.Chas. R. Ray, with whomhe continued for one year.He then went to Providence,Rhode Island, U.S., andengaged with the firm of Callander,McAuslan & Troupe, remaining withthem for about five years, when hebegan business on his own account inthe city of Providence, where he remainedabout seven years, when he removedto Fredericton, and took themanagement of the dry goods business,conducted by A. A. Miller & Co., andon the death of Mr. Miller, he succeeded1to the business, forming a partnershipwith Mr. R. Davies, with whom he stillcontinues. They are now doing a veryextensive business, having increased itgreatly of late years, and being directimporters, are in a position to supplythe needs of the public in a way thatdemands appreciation, the dry goodsfirm of Tennant, Davies & Co., beingwell known in Fredericton and vicinity,as a reliable and fully equipped establishment.Mr. Tennant was married,in 1870, to Marianie, daughter of thelate Rev. Jacob Gunter, of Fredericton.He is a member of the Masonic andOddfellows societies, and in religion,is a Baptist. In politics, he is a Liberal-Conservative. He is a member of theBoard of Trade, an enthusiastic sportsman,and president of the Renous andDungarvein Salmon Club, also a memberof the Fredericton Curling Club.

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