Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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442CHARLESHENRY PARME-1 LEE, Editor and Proprietor of^--^> the Waterloo, Que., Advertiser,was born June ist, 1855, at Waterloo.He is the eldest son of Rufns E.,and Jane (MeVicar) Parmelee, who areamong the best known and most highlyrespected citizens of that place. Mr. Parmeleewas educated at Waterloo Academy,and at the age of nineteen, becameeditor of the Advertiser, which heconducted for some years. In 1880, hejoined the staff of the Montreal Herald,and was for two .and one half years,financial and <strong>com</strong>mercial editor of thatjournal. He returned to the Advertiser,in 1883, with which he hassince been connected, andit is now the leading Liberalorgan of the EasternTownships. Besides hisjournalistic work, Mr. Parmeleehas always taken anactive part in municipal andeducational matters.He isa member of theat presentmunicipal council, was foryears secretary-treasurer ofWaterloo, and is at presentsec.-treas. of the ProtestantSchool Board. He is a supporterof the Liberal party,and as such, is widelyknown in the province andmany other parts of theDominion. His stirring editorials<strong>com</strong>mand the attentionand admiration of bothliberals and conservatives,and at many public assemblies,he has proved to be aneloquent, effective and logicalspeaker. Having devotedthe greater part of hislife to the careful study ofgrave political problems, itmay be readily supposedthat he evinces a good graspof public affairs, and his opinions areeagerly sought. His writings arecharacterized by great vigor, and hissentences are remarkable for their brevityand force. In religion, he is anEpiscopalian. He was president of theEastern Townships Press Associationfor 1892. His genial nature has wonfor him a host of friends, and he is oneof the few men who can mingle withpolitical matters, and sustain popularitywith both parties. He was married,iii 1887, to Miss Christina Rose,daughter of Henry Rose, Esq., ofWaterloo, Que. His family consists ofthree children.

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