Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 441AMUEL C. SMITH, Editor andPublisher of the North Onta-traderio Times, Uxbridge, Ont,was born February 2 8th, 1830, at Coalbrookdale,Shropshire, England. Hisfather was a printer and publisher, aswas also his grandfather, both doingbusiness at Ironbridge, Shropshire.Mr. Smith learned the trade of a printerin his boyhood, in the publishinghouse of Thompson & Davidson, in thegreat English Metropolis, after whichhe worked as a journeyman for someyears, when he began business asprinter and bookseller, in Ironbridge,Eng., where he conducted a successfuluntil 1857, when he came to Canadaand located at Niagara. He boughtthe Niagara Mail, and conducted it forseveral years. He then went to Coaticook,Que., and purchased the Observer,which paper he conducted with goodsuccess for several years. In 1890, hemoved to Uxbridge, and bought thetwo papers, The Guardian and TheNorth Ontario Times, amalgamatingthem both into the latter. The NorthOntario Times is a Conservative paperof the progressive type. It has a largecirculation and a profitable advertisingpatronage. Mr. Smith gets up a paperof great interest, and there is but littlegoing on in Uxbridge andthe country around, thatmay not be read in its pages.There is also a well conductedjob office in connectionwith the paper whichis well patronized. Mr.Smith was magistrate forover twenty years, and has,at different times, occupieda seat at the Council Board.In religion, he is an adherentof the MethodistChurch. He has also beena member^ of the A. F. andA. M. for over thirty years,and owns a considerableamount of real estate in thetowns of Uxbridge, Ont.,and Coaticook, P. Q. Mr.Smith was married on thetwenty-second of December,1851, to Miss Miriam Gardner,daughter of CharlesGardner, of Oxford, Eng.Mrs/Smith died on the iQthof December, 1893, at Uxbridge,Ont., and was buriedon the 22nd day of thatmonth, that being the fortysecondanniversary of herwedding.

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