Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN 4397TICHAKL SCANLAN,^\ Superinj[_\I tendeut Dominion man, and fully iinformed on all matterspertaining to the ocean carryingSteamshipvS> Co., Montreal, Que, was trade, in which he holds so prominentborn in 1838, in Ireland. His father a place. Under his superintendencewas P. Scan Ian, estate agent, Ireland, the Dominion Steamship Company area man of integrity and business capacity.Mr. Scanlan was educated at and passenger business across the At-Button's Academy, and the Jesuit's lantic, and giving satisfaction to alldoing their full share of the freightSchool, and was an apt student, always who patronize that popular line ofstanding well in his classes. After vessels. In religion, Mr. Scanlan is aleaving school, he <strong>com</strong>menced business Roman Catholic, and in politics,is inwith Messrs. Cowan & Cross, wholesalegrocers, and after remaining with ried on the thirtieth day of August,favor of Tariff Reform. He was mar-them some time, engaged with Bavid 1862 and has a family of sevenTorrance & Co., with whom he still children, living, four sons and threecontinues. He is a thorough business daughters.

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