Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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43* MENROGERS, M.P.P., was educated in the public school atWholesale and Retail HardwareMerchant, Charlottetown, ploy of the Hon. Thomas W. Dodd,Bedeque, and in 1854, entered, the em-P.E.I., was born at Kintleth, Carmarthanshire,Wales, in 1836. His father 1859, Mr. Rogers became &hardware merchant, Charlottetown. Inpartner,was the late Jonah Rogers, and his and in 1892, sole proprietor of the immensehardware business carried onmother Hannah Thomas, was theyoungest daughter of Abel Thomas, a under the firm name of Dodd & Rogers,noted local Methodist preacher, of Carmarthan.Mr. Jonah Rogers was perhaps the wealthiest hard-a ware firm in the colony. Mr. Rogerswhich istradesman, and came from Wales to is a public spirited and enterprisingP.E.I., in 1839, settling in Bedeque, citizen, being extensively identifiedwhere he raised a large family, six with the chief <strong>com</strong>mercial interests ofsons and three daughters, and where his province, such as banks, steamship,he and his estimable wife are held in telephone and other <strong>com</strong>panies, beingthe highest respect. Mr. Benj. Rogers a large stockholder in many of them.He is a director of theP.E.I. Telephone Co., andfor four years has beenpresident of the CharlottetownDriving Park and ProvincialExhibition Association.He is also a largereal estate owner, and hisresidence, Fairholm, formerlythe residence of the lateHon. Judge Young, is perhapsthe finest on the island.In religion, Mr. Rogers isan adherent of the MethodistChurch, in politics, astaunch Liberal, and onewho has always taken anactive interest in both Dominionand Provincial elections.In 1893, he waselected by a large majorityto the Council of the ProvincialLegislature (propertyqualification).He isalso a member of the A.F.& A.M. In 1866, Mr.Rogers was married to MaryL., daughter of RichardTrenaman, Esq., of Rochester,N.Y. His familyconsists of three sons andone daughter.

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