Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OR437ON. JOHN CHRISTIAN ical Board, president of the SouthSCHULTZ, M.D., F.B.S.C., Western Ry., and chairman of the corn-Fellow of the Imperial In- mittee of the Senate, on North-West1882, when he was promotedto the Senate. He was amember of the ExecutiveCouncil for the N.W.T., in1872, one of the Board ofGovernors of Manitoba Med-stitute, Winnipeg, Lieut.-Governor of products, and of the <strong>com</strong>mittee uponManitoba, was born January ist, 1840, the resources of the Mackenzie Basin.in Amherstburg, Ont. Received his He was appointed Lieut.-Governor ofpreliminary education at Amherstburg Manitoba, July ist, 1888. In 1867, heand Oberlin College, and his medical was married to Agnes Campbell,education at Kingston, and medical daughter of Jas. Farquharsou, Esq.,branch Victoria College, Toronto, graduatingas M.D. in 1861. In 1863, heformerly of British Guiana. An addresswas recently presented to him byassisted in forming the Institute of the prelates, judges, Conservative andRupert's Land, of which he became Reform politicians, and citizens ofsecretary. In 1867-68, he urged theunion of the provinces, and made effortsto induce the Western extension of theConfederation of provinces,to include his adopted home,,and was awarded the Confederationmedal. Whenthe purchase of the North-West was consummated in1869, and after the captureof Fort Garry by the insurgentsof that year, hishouse was besieged, he beingcaptured and incarceratedin Fort Garry. In the followingyear he escaped, andassisted in the release of theother prisoners. He wasthen declared liable to beshot, a reward was offeredfor his capture, dead oralive, but he succeeded ineluding search, and after atoilsome journey reachedOttawa. In 1870, he returnedto Manitoba, andwas chosen to representLisgar in the Commons,which seat he held untilWinnipeg, acknowledging the greatvalue of his public services for thepast thirty-two years.

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