Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JVlKN 435,EV. ALF. EDWARDBURKE, B. D., J.Cn.B.,P.P., Alberton,P. E. I.,was bornSeptember 8th, 1860, atGeorgetown, P. E. I., wherehis parents, Capt. JamesBurke and his wife, whosemaiden name was MaryMoar, still reside, and areheld in much respect. FatherBurke was educated atGeorgetown High School,St. Dunstan's College, Charlottetown,and Laval University,Quebec, graduatingas above in 1885. He wasappointed secretary to thelate Bishop Mclntyre, Charlottetown,with whom heremained two and one halfyears, and then, in 1888,parish priest at Alberton,where he has since laboredwith so much acceptance.He went there to build upthe ecclesiastical institutionsof the parishes of Albertonand Lot Seven, a resultwhich he has been ableto ac<strong>com</strong>plish in a surprisinglyshort time, and in amost efficient manner. He is untiringin his efforts to upbuild his church, aswell as in every other good cause whichhas for its aim the advancement ofmorality. Father Burke was the firstto organize the Catholic Mutual BenefitAssociation in Prince Edward Island,and has, of course, always taken an interestin itsgrowth in that province. In1892, in <strong>com</strong>pany with other prominentgentlemen, he went out to the North-West and Pacific Coast, at the invitationof the Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,to report upon the fertility, extent,etc., of those regions, as a field forcolonization. His report was exhaustiveand very instructive. He has frequentlybeen consulted on the colonizationschemes of the country. He is astaunch Conservative in politics, andtakes an active and practical interestin whatever tends to the welfare andprosperity of his country. FatherBurke is a fluent and able preacher,a frequent contributor to the press, andas such wields a trenchant pen, intowhich he instils all his energetic mannerand wide knowledge. He is also verypopular with not only his own people,but also all who make his acquaintance.He is a young man and, doubtless, highhonors are in store for him.

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