Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JS.BOUSQUET, manager of the. People's Bank, Montreal, P. Q.,was born at Longueuil, P. Q.,in 1856. He is the son of StanislasBousquet, contractor, of Longueuil.When quite young, he entered theCollege of the Clercs of St. Viateur,where he received a good practicaleducation. The courses taught, weresemi-classical and semi-<strong>com</strong>mercial.He stood high in mathematics, andhis teachers were some of the most dis-thetinguished professors of the religiousorder. Mr. Bousquet, who possessedmore than an ordinary aptitude forfigures, soon attracted the attention ofprofessors, who took aninterest in breaking to himthe secrets of the arduouswhich he some-science, towhat owes his high positionin the financial world. Notin mathematics did heonlyexcel, but during each termhe was at the college, hecarried off prizes. At theage of sixteen he began lifefor himself, and for threeyears was employed in agrocery store as book-keeper,which position he left toenter the People's Bank, inwhich institution he heldall the oifices, up to that ofmanager. It was predictedthat the young mathematicianof Longueuil College,would create for himself, byhis talent and hard study,a high position. He didnot lose his love of mathematicalstudy, but on thecontrary not only delightshimself in it,but has addedto it the science of politicaleconomy, to which he continuesto add the every dayobservation, which his positionpermits him to do. Mr. Bousquetis one of those men of the future, whowill count in French Canadian nationality.The last report of the People'sBank, shows for that institution, a veryprogressive standing, which is due toa great extent to itsmanager's zealand grasp of financial questions, andhis speeches delivered at each of thegeneral meetings of the shareholdersare worthy of the careful considerationof business men. There are but fewmen who have made such rapidprogressin so short a time. His careeris an illustration of what intelligence,principle and energy will ac<strong>com</strong>plish.

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