Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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430 ORTHE LATE*-*^&VERYA REV. DANIEL MeDONALD, D.D., and VicarGeneral of the Diocese ofCharlottetown, Charlottetown,P.E.I., was born atMaple Hill, in St. Andrew'sParish, February I9th, 1822,and died January 3rd, 1886.His father Allan McDonald,was a native of Moidart,Scotland, and his motherCatherine McGillivray, ofP.E.I. In 1841, he enteredSt. Andrew's College, andafter studying there forthree years repaired toRome, where he spent sevenyears in the study of rhetoric,philosophy, history,Can. Law and theology, andat the <strong>com</strong>pletion of thecourse, received the degreeof D.D. On February 5th,1851, he was solemnly ordainedpriest, by His Gracethe Archbishop of Inconium,vicegerent of CardinalPatrizi, in the Basilica ofof St. John Lateran. Manydistinguished men passed afew years in the Propagandawith Dr. McDonald, and it wasthere, under its celebrated teachers,and in the cultured society of his fellowstudents, that he gained that solid education,and developed that love of studyand refinement of taste, which so characterizedhim. In 1857, ne returnedhome, and shortly afterwards was assignedmissionary duties in Rustico,where he remained one year, when hewas appointed to the pastoral charge ofSt. Columba's, East Point. He continuedthere for nine years, during whichhe built a beautiful church at St.Margaret's In 1861, he was namedsenior priest of St. Dunstan's Cathedraland vicar general. For seventeenyears he labored in Charlottetown, endearinghimself to his flock, and gainingthe friendship of all classes andcreeds. In 1878, he removed to St.Dunstan's College, where he taughtthe classics, English rhetoric andphilosophy, for three years. In 1881,he resumed missionary work, and wasassociated with his nephew, Rev. J.Chas. McDonald, (now Bishop of Charlottetown),in the pastoral charge ofGeorgetown, Cardigan and Sturgeon,where he continued in active workuntil the time of his death. He was ascholarly man and a pleasing speaker.

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