Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 429N.S. In 1860, he foundedthe Patriot, which has alwayswarmly espoused thecause of non-secretarian education.In 1871, he waselected to the Local Legislature,in 1872, he was appointeda member of the executive,and re-elected in1873. In the same year, he,with the Hon. R. P. Haythorne,Provincial Premier,went to Ottawa, to discussthe terms on which P.E.I,would enter Confederation.Their terms were afterwards,with a slight modification,accepted. In 1873, Mr.Laird having resigned hisseat in the Local House,was elected a member of theDominion Parliament, forQueen's County, one of thefirst M.P's. of the Island.On the formation of theMackenzie Cabinet, he becameMinister of the Interior,in November, 1873,which he held until October,. DAVID LAIRD, ex-Lieut.- his term expiring in 1881. He thenGovernor of N.W.T., Journa-resumed active journalism, to which hehas since devoted his time. In politics,Mr. Laird is a Liberal, and in religiona Presbyterian ;has been an elder inhis church for over thirty years, andin 1884, was a delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian Council, held in Belfast,years a zealous member Ireland, and also to that held in Torontoin 1892. In 1864, he was marriedof the RoyalAgricultural Society of P.E.I. He was to Mary Louisa, daughter of the lateM.P.P., for sixteen years, four of which Hon. Thomas Owen, Postmaster Generalof P. E. L, by whom he has fourhe was a member of the executive council.Mr. Laird was educated at the sous and two daughters, one of his sonsCentral Academy, Charlottetown, and being a Ph.D., and a junior professorat the Presbyterian Seminary, Truro,list, Charlottetown, P.E.I.,was born in 1833, in New Glasgow,P.E.I. His father was the late Hon.Alexander Laird, a native of Renfrewshire,Scotland, from which country heemigrated to P.E.I., in 1819. He becamea successful farmer, and was for1876, when he was appointedLieut-Governor ofthe North-West Territories,of Greek in Cornell University.

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