Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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424 1VLEN\\/M. HENRY ASHLEY, EditorV and Proprietor of the Globe,the Free Press, remaining until 1881.In November of that year, he, with Mr.Boissevain, Man., was born August Frank Oliver, published the Edmonton30th, 1851, at Cataraqui, Ont. His Bulletin, The following year, he returnedparents were David George and RebeccaAnn to Winnipeg, and engaged with(Wright) Ashley, whose the Times. Early in 1883, he boughtancestors were Irish and English, and a newspaper plant at Toronto, and subsequentlythe Hanover, Ont., Post,U.E. Loyalists. In 1857, they removedto Picton, Ont., where Mr. Ashleywas educated, at the Grammar when he removed to Boissevain, and,which he conducted until May, 1889,school. In 1870, they removed to Oshawa,and in 1871, our subject entered religion, Mr. Ashley is a Methodist, andin August, 1890, started the Globe. Inthe Vindicator office, Oshawa, remaininguntil 1877, when he went to Win-member of the I.O.O.F. He was mar-in politics, a Reformer. He is also anipeg, and took a position on the Standard,for about one year, then went ried, June 8th, on 1887, to Margaret, daughterof John Hahn, of Hanover, Ont.

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